My research interests have more than a single focus, a diagnosis I will make no attempt to change, sans espoir et sans regret. This is so in part because nature abhors a vacuum, but not exclusively. It also has to do with never having been properly immunized against the viral condition commonly known as curiosity. For example, I am told that a proper quant and geek should only strive for ‘depth’ rather than be interested in some additional breadth. Now, how do you create gravitas by merely one-dimensional growth?
So I never expected much from linear approaches to any desired result, least of all the advent of enlightenment. Meaningful exercise of the cognitive muscle requires above all the recognition of one’s ignorance – and only hybris could limit this determination to a single, narrow area.
Broadly speaking, I have expanded so far into some superficially unrelated dimensions. Barely reaching beyond generalities, my own nascent contributions have only just begun to create a thought or comment here or there to date, perhaps because I have been overwhelmed by multiple interests competing for time and resources. My New Year’s resolution 2013 is to be more generous to my own needs and worry less about potential waste of time when measured against a standard that has been proven wrong consistently in hindsight – simply because no rhyme nor reason exists for the unruly stretches and contractions of the mind.
Here are my writings to date, also available on the Social Science Research Network.
So I never expected much from linear approaches to any desired result, least of all the advent of enlightenment. Meaningful exercise of the cognitive muscle requires above all the recognition of one’s ignorance – and only hybris could limit this determination to a single, narrow area.
Broadly speaking, I have expanded so far into some superficially unrelated dimensions. Barely reaching beyond generalities, my own nascent contributions have only just begun to create a thought or comment here or there to date, perhaps because I have been overwhelmed by multiple interests competing for time and resources. My New Year’s resolution 2013 is to be more generous to my own needs and worry less about potential waste of time when measured against a standard that has been proven wrong consistently in hindsight – simply because no rhyme nor reason exists for the unruly stretches and contractions of the mind.
Here are my writings to date, also available on the Social Science Research Network.
Law and Global Affairs
Joanna Diane Caytas. Legacies from a Holocaust of the Mind, 11 Review of European Studies, no. 1, 2019, at 86.
Joanna Diane Caytas. The Flip Side of Privacy in the Cryptosphere: When Estate Wealth and Data Goes Crypto Forever, Duke L. Global Fin. Markets Center: The FinReg Blog (Oct. 29, 2018).
Joanna Diane Caytas. Regulation of Cryptocurrencies and Initial Coin Offerings in Switzerland: Declared Vision of a ‘Crypto Nation’, 31 NYSBA International Law Practicum, no. 1, 2018, at 53.
Joanna Diane Caytas. Regulation of Cryptocurrencies and Initial Coin Offerings in Poland—Ambivalence at Its Best, 31 NYSBA International Law Practicum, no. 1, 2018, at 65.
Joanna Diane Caytas. Weaponizing Finance: U.S. and European Options, Tools, and Policies, 23 Columbia Journal of European Law 441 (2017).
Joanna Diane Caytas. Sanctions, Real and Imaginary: Experiences with Russia in the Ukraine Crisis, 9 Amsterdam Law Forum, no. 2, May 2017, at 26.
Joanna Diane Caytas. Regulatory Issues and Challenges Presented by Virtual Currencies, Columbia Business Law Review (May 30, 2017).
Joanna Diane Caytas. Blockchain in the U.S. Regulatory Setting: Evidentiary Use in Vermont, Delaware, and Elsewhere, Columbia Science & Technology Law Review (May 30, 2017).
Joanna Diane Caytas. European Perspectives on an Emergent Law of Robotics, Columbia Journal of European Law: Preliminary Reference (Apr. 4, 2017).
Joanna Diane Caytas. No Prisoner’s Dilemma Here: A Fresh Look at Escapism from the Realities of International Taxation, Oxford Business Law Blog (Jan. 12, 2017).
Joanna Diane Caytas. Tempted by an Apple: Europe’s Fall from Grace on Retroactive Taxation, Columbia Journal of European Law: Preliminary Reference (Nov. 10, 2016).
Joanna Diane Caytas. Developing Blockchain Real-Time Clearing and Settlement in the EU, U.S., and Globally. Columbia Journal of European Law: Preliminary Reference (June 22, 2016).
Joanna Diane Caytas. Does Culture of the Legal Dimension Equal the Legal Dimension of Culture? A Review of Åse B. Grødeland & William L. Miller, European Legal Cultures in Transition. 22 Columbia Journal of European Law 539 (2016).
Joanna Diane Caytas. Disposing of Relics: Overt and Covert Blasphemy Statutes in Europe. Columbia Journal of European Law: Preliminary Reference (April 1, 2016).
Joanna Diane Caytas. Crowdfunding Venture Capital in Europe. Columbia Journal of European Law: Preliminary Reference (October 1, 2015).
Joanna Diane Caytas. Legal Aspects of Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis in Sustainable Urban Development. 14 Consilience 71-89 (No. 2, 2015).
Joanna Diane Caytas. Freedom of Migration - Oxymoron or Paradox? A Review of Brad K. Blitz, Migration and Freedom: Mobility, Citizenship, and Exclusion, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2014. 68 Journal of International Affairs 328-331 (No. 2, Spring/Summer 2015).
Joanna Diane Caytas. From Shield to Sword: TTIP’s Lessons on Democratic Legitimacy for International Investment Arbitration. Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems: Common Law (April 23, 2015).
Joanna Diane Caytas. Karl Popper and Conspiracy Theories in Polish Political Thought. 31 Anthropology of East Europe Review 55-74 (No. 1, Spring 2013).
Joanna Diane Caytas. The Unconquerable Domain of Discretion in Kelsen's Pure Theory of Law. 6 Washington Undergraduate Law Review 1-46 (Issue I, Fall 2012).
Joanna Diane Caytas. Justifying the Kony Wars: Targeted Manufacture and Use of Synthetic Evidence. Foreign Policy Journal (November 2012).
Joanna Diane Caytas. Conundrum of an Immigrant: Assimilation versus Cultural Preservation. 6 Journal of Identity and Migration Studies 36-54 (No. 2, Autumn/Winter 2012).
Joanna Diane Caytas. The Role of Identity in the Outbreak of the Yugoslavian Wars. 8 Small Wars Journal (No. 8, August 2012). See also reprint at Arizona State University Center for Strategic Communication.
Joanna Diane Caytas. The Invisible Facts. Media Outlets Have Distorted Facts in Ugandan Civil War. Columbia Political Review (August 2012).
Joanna Diane Caytas. Luckily, Tadeusz Kosciuszko and Kazimierz Pulaski Did Not Need a Visa. Immigration Law Journal (July 24, 2012).
Joanna Diane Caytas. The Geopolitical Spotlight on Poland 1980-81: Pragmatic Efficiency of Public Diplomacy. Foreign Policy Journal (July 2012).
Joanna Diane Caytas. Cyber Warfare as a Low-Level Engagement Strategy. Available on the Social Science Research Network.
Joanna Diane Caytas. Weaponizing Finance: U.S. and European Options, Tools, and Policies, Salzburg Global Seminar Lloyd N. Cutler Fellowship workshop in Int’l L., Washington, D.C., Feb. 2017.
Law and Global Affairs
Joanna Diane Caytas. Legacies from a Holocaust of the Mind, 11 Review of European Studies, no. 1, 2019, at 86.
Joanna Diane Caytas. The Flip Side of Privacy in the Cryptosphere: When Estate Wealth and Data Goes Crypto Forever, Duke L. Global Fin. Markets Center: The FinReg Blog (Oct. 29, 2018).
Joanna Diane Caytas. Regulation of Cryptocurrencies and Initial Coin Offerings in Switzerland: Declared Vision of a ‘Crypto Nation’, 31 NYSBA International Law Practicum, no. 1, 2018, at 53.
Joanna Diane Caytas. Regulation of Cryptocurrencies and Initial Coin Offerings in Poland—Ambivalence at Its Best, 31 NYSBA International Law Practicum, no. 1, 2018, at 65.
Joanna Diane Caytas. Weaponizing Finance: U.S. and European Options, Tools, and Policies, 23 Columbia Journal of European Law 441 (2017).
Joanna Diane Caytas. Sanctions, Real and Imaginary: Experiences with Russia in the Ukraine Crisis, 9 Amsterdam Law Forum, no. 2, May 2017, at 26.
Joanna Diane Caytas. Regulatory Issues and Challenges Presented by Virtual Currencies, Columbia Business Law Review (May 30, 2017).
Joanna Diane Caytas. Blockchain in the U.S. Regulatory Setting: Evidentiary Use in Vermont, Delaware, and Elsewhere, Columbia Science & Technology Law Review (May 30, 2017).
Joanna Diane Caytas. European Perspectives on an Emergent Law of Robotics, Columbia Journal of European Law: Preliminary Reference (Apr. 4, 2017).
Joanna Diane Caytas. No Prisoner’s Dilemma Here: A Fresh Look at Escapism from the Realities of International Taxation, Oxford Business Law Blog (Jan. 12, 2017).
Joanna Diane Caytas. Tempted by an Apple: Europe’s Fall from Grace on Retroactive Taxation, Columbia Journal of European Law: Preliminary Reference (Nov. 10, 2016).
Joanna Diane Caytas. Developing Blockchain Real-Time Clearing and Settlement in the EU, U.S., and Globally. Columbia Journal of European Law: Preliminary Reference (June 22, 2016).
Joanna Diane Caytas. Does Culture of the Legal Dimension Equal the Legal Dimension of Culture? A Review of Åse B. Grødeland & William L. Miller, European Legal Cultures in Transition. 22 Columbia Journal of European Law 539 (2016).
Joanna Diane Caytas. Disposing of Relics: Overt and Covert Blasphemy Statutes in Europe. Columbia Journal of European Law: Preliminary Reference (April 1, 2016).
Joanna Diane Caytas. Crowdfunding Venture Capital in Europe. Columbia Journal of European Law: Preliminary Reference (October 1, 2015).
Joanna Diane Caytas. Legal Aspects of Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis in Sustainable Urban Development. 14 Consilience 71-89 (No. 2, 2015).
Joanna Diane Caytas. Freedom of Migration - Oxymoron or Paradox? A Review of Brad K. Blitz, Migration and Freedom: Mobility, Citizenship, and Exclusion, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2014. 68 Journal of International Affairs 328-331 (No. 2, Spring/Summer 2015).
Joanna Diane Caytas. From Shield to Sword: TTIP’s Lessons on Democratic Legitimacy for International Investment Arbitration. Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems: Common Law (April 23, 2015).
Joanna Diane Caytas. Karl Popper and Conspiracy Theories in Polish Political Thought. 31 Anthropology of East Europe Review 55-74 (No. 1, Spring 2013).
Joanna Diane Caytas. The Unconquerable Domain of Discretion in Kelsen's Pure Theory of Law. 6 Washington Undergraduate Law Review 1-46 (Issue I, Fall 2012).
Joanna Diane Caytas. Justifying the Kony Wars: Targeted Manufacture and Use of Synthetic Evidence. Foreign Policy Journal (November 2012).
Joanna Diane Caytas. Conundrum of an Immigrant: Assimilation versus Cultural Preservation. 6 Journal of Identity and Migration Studies 36-54 (No. 2, Autumn/Winter 2012).
Joanna Diane Caytas. The Role of Identity in the Outbreak of the Yugoslavian Wars. 8 Small Wars Journal (No. 8, August 2012). See also reprint at Arizona State University Center for Strategic Communication.
Joanna Diane Caytas. The Invisible Facts. Media Outlets Have Distorted Facts in Ugandan Civil War. Columbia Political Review (August 2012).
Joanna Diane Caytas. Luckily, Tadeusz Kosciuszko and Kazimierz Pulaski Did Not Need a Visa. Immigration Law Journal (July 24, 2012).
Joanna Diane Caytas. The Geopolitical Spotlight on Poland 1980-81: Pragmatic Efficiency of Public Diplomacy. Foreign Policy Journal (July 2012).
Joanna Diane Caytas. Cyber Warfare as a Low-Level Engagement Strategy. Available on the Social Science Research Network.
Joanna Diane Caytas. Weaponizing Finance: U.S. and European Options, Tools, and Policies, Salzburg Global Seminar Lloyd N. Cutler Fellowship workshop in Int’l L., Washington, D.C., Feb. 2017.